Sabine Holzer - Head of TV

Sabine Holzer

When the going gets tough, Sabine is in her element. As Head of Specialist Factual at Terra Mater Studios she oversees the television documentary output of the company. Sabine works with co-production partners all over the world, focussing on the production of premium nature, science and history programs for the national and international market. In addition to her international activities, she acts regularly as an Executive Producer for Terra Mater productions and also runs the Terra Mater TV strand on ServusTV, the German-language free TV channel of the Red Bull Media House which broadcasts world’s very best nature, science and history programs. She is also responsible for pre-buys and acquisitions for this TV slot.

Before joining Terra Mater Studios, Sabine worked for two decades for the science department of ORF, Austria’s public service broadcaster. Together with Walter Köhler she led the development of UNIVERSUM from being a domestic TV success to a global brand. At ORF UNIVERSUM she was responsible for acquisitions and scheduling of natural history and science programs, as a producer she directed her own films, as Executive Producer she supervised a great number of the ORF Natural History Unit’s documentary output.